Aim high, Dream big

Friday, May 24, 2013

How much can I make?

"How much can I make?" This is a common question when someone joins SFI, and a fair question as well. After all, you wouldn't take a job without first finding out how much you'd be paid, right?

So how much CAN you make as an SFI affiliate?

According to Entrepreneur magazine, the average home-based business household earns $50,250 a year. And about 20% of all home-business households earn in excess of $75,000 a year. And in some countries (such as the United States) there are the tax benefits, too; even if your home business isn’t generating a profit yet, it can put $5,000 or more into your pocket through tax write-offs (check with your accountant).
Speaking of entrepreneurs, this is an area where you truly must think like an entrepreneur and not like an employee.

In short, you’ll get out of SFI what you put into it. It works...if you do. But that’s the beauty of it, too; you are in control – it’s up to you how far you take it. And don’t forget, SFI offers the opportunity to earn residual income. This basically means that for the work you do today, you have the potential to earn money not only for today but also for years to come.

Do you know what happens when you double a penny (one cent) every day for a month? At the 15-day mark, it’s grown to only $163.84. But by the 30th day, it’s mushroomed to OVER 5 MILLION dollars!

This “leveraging” or duplication effect is one of the most exciting ingredients of SFI. Indeed, its power cannot be underestimated.

Imagine that you’ve just sponsored an SFI affiliate in the United States by the name of John. John sponsors a friend in Brazil by the name of Maria. Maria soon sponsors Gustava from Sweden. Through Gustava's efforts, a Korean, Hae-Won, joins SFI.

By just sponsoring one person, you’ve set into motion a chain of events that now has affiliates working indirectly on your behalf across the globe! And every person (John, Maria, Gustava, and Hae-Won) can add to your commission check!

This is just one very small example of duplication and global networking in action. And it's happening every hour of every day at SFI. Study our Global Growth Report and you'll see this exactly. you think you could find one good person each month to join SFI? Just one person a month who might be interested in financial freedom, more leisure time, more security, and more happiness?
Do you think you can teach that one person a month to do what you do? If you can, you can become wildly successful in SFI!

The choice is yours to make.

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Are you on the "Anti-Wealth" Plan?

Though painful to say, most people go through their entire lives on what we call the "Anti-Wealth" Plan. Others call it the "40/40/40 Plan." That is, work 40 hours a week for someone for 40 years and retire with $40 in the bank!

That's somewhat of an exaggeration, of course, but the U.S. Social Security Board, for example, has reported that 85 out of 100 Americans won't possess as much as $500 in savings by age 65. And only 2% will be self-sustaining; the rest will be dependent on family, church, or the government!

The main problem with a typical job is that when YOU stop, the money stops.
MAKE SURE you understand this: If you ever want to acquire real wealth, you're just not going to get there trading hours for money.

The world's wealthiest people have known for hundreds of years that if you want financial freedom, you MUST tap into at least one of the following:



Residual Income is income that keeps coming in month after month, year after year, from work you do just ONCE. It's like a royalty. An example would be writing a book or recording a song and getting paid forever on it. Wouldn't it be absolutely awesome to have that?! Well, with SFI you can!

Leveraged Income is earning money through other people's efforts. There are only 24 hours in a day. Hence, there's only so much you can earn through your own efforts. But with SFI, you can earn Leveraged Income (in the form of "override" commissions) when affiliates you've sponsored in SFI make sales.

Earn even more Leveraged Income when they sponsor other affiliates and refer TripleClicks members who make purchases...and when your affiliates’ affiliates sponsor affiliates and refer members...and so on.

The fact is, by simply sponsoring a few good, active SFI affiliates, you can eventually have hundreds or even THOUSANDS of affiliates and TC members putting money in your pocket from around the world...around the clock!

But that's not even the best part. Each affiliate on your sales team has his or her own vested interest to build and KEEP ON building his or her business and income. This, of course, means YOUR income can continue and grow month after month–even when you want to take a vacation or decide to retire altogether.

Rest assured, there are few things greater than returning home from a nice vacation to find a commission check even bigger than the month before waiting in your mailbox!

Bottom line: With SFI, not only can you earn "do-it-once, get-paid-forever" residual-style income, you also can earn Leveraged Income on the sales of thousands of other affiliates! If building financial security is one of your goals, you've found the vehicle to do it with in SFI.

If you haven't got started yet, it's time to hit your SFI To-Do List by signing up HERE. By completing the actions on your To-Do List, you can start building a foundation for residual and leveraged income today.

It is time you fire your boss and take back you life. It is never too late to start. See some of the people who have taken back their lives HERE

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

This is sooo easy!

I was browsing through the SFI forum today and i came across this post by one Mr. Steven, a Silver Team Leader already, who is just on his first month with SFI.  I felt i should share this great and inspiring post.

I know because I'm an IT professional that SFI clicks well with my brain. So I pondered for awhile and considered how and what SFI can do for the average person that is no internet savvy. And do you know what I found? They make this so easy that you don't have to be a guru to grow your business. Do you know what you do need? Willingness to learn.

SFI provides banner images to help you grow your business, they can literally blow out your business big time. Take advantage of this outstanding service

They put the code right on the page for you with your SFI ID already in it. The most you would have to learn is how to embed these. How hard is that? I don't think it's hard. I juggle over 20 domains single handedly and I am asking myself that since SFI makes this so easy why are so few not taking the time to learn? I think I have it figured out, basically because they don't take time to read.

If I paid you $110,000 to read this site every day for the next two years would you do it? Now what did I just say to you? All I told you is the potential this site brings to the people who will come on here every day and read and build the business. But I put it into perspective. The problem with most people is they don't see the result of their effort. They think because they are not receiving instant money that it won't go anywhere. Do you know that it's not any harder to earn a 6 figure income than it is to earn $25,000 a year?

I figured something out awhile ago and I spoke with my business partner that I am involved with in two other businesses and I told him, I know why only 5% of the people become rich. It's because the other 95% give up instead of staying in it for the long haul.

Do you know any doctors? How long did it take them to become rich? It wasn't in their first 5 years right? Ask one of them sometime and see what they tell you. Did you know that SFI is basically a 3 to 4 year plan? And I'm stretching that a bit because I know success can come sooner. If you had to go to college to become a doctor how long would it take? Eight years maybe? I'm guessing here but I know that has to be fairly accurate because just to get a bachelors degree takes about 4 years right? Then it has to be another 4 after that for a PhD and I don't think they let people become doctors with anything less than a PhD. Someone please correct me if I'm wrong.

Is it worth your time to spend the next, ooh let's say 3 years with SFI to build your fortune? Let's say you don't get it right the first time. You would have a second chance would you not? Another 3 years would work for a lot of people I think. Do you know that a typical job is usually referred to as the 45 year plan? You work 45 years, you retire and when you stop working you get what from your job? Nothing right? What if you work 3 years with SFI and you build an ongoing residual income? How long will that last? The REST OF YOUR LIFE. (caps for emphasis only). I'm not in the habit of yelling, but some things need to be emphasized.

Are you with me? Do my words make sense? I hope so. I have found this system so phenomenal I can't contain it.

I do realize that everyone has a different mindset, each person sees things according to their own perspective. One of the things I had to come to terms with several years ago is my own perspective. When I was young becoming a business owner was something I never imagined I could become. I've been in business now for about 7 years, in a dead end business. And I'm well aware of it. I know full well that building an ongoing residual income is the ultimate business. I was one of those people that wanted to get a higher education but never was able to put it together early in life. I did manage to put myself through a technical school and learn a little about computers. I kept searching and digging. For the past year I have been involved in another MLM business and heard all the lies and saw the smoke screen, etc. It's a good business, but it's a lot of hype and lies to get you to be successful.

SFI is not a lot of hype and neither is it a smoke screen and I have seen no lies. SFI is the real thing. I've been involved in 3 MLM companies in my life and have seen all the garbage that goes along with it. They all claim you can be successful but there is not a lot of help. SFI is the first company that not only claims you can be successful, but has in place all the tools necessary for your success. You are responsible for the rest, to do the work. How hard is that? Ten to fifteen hours a week is what it takes. I put about 30 hours a week part time into this and I feel like I haven't done enough.

"Perspective" what is yours? Do you have a large vision or a small one? I'm in it for the long haul, are you?

* Original Post by Steven (SFI Silver Team Leader)

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

SFI’s Global Growth Report

SFI is arguably one of the fastest growing home businesses you can find today worldwide. The statistics speak for themselves and here they are;

Yesterday’s enrollment: 3657 people (From 156 countries)

·         Average enrollments per hour: 152 people

·         Average time between enrollments: 23 Seconds

·         Average Month to month enrollment: 99,758 people

TripleClicks which is SFIs online superstore,  currently has 1,620,790 active members, 203 countries with members, 75,122 products (view latest products), 3,273 ECAs (E-Commerce Associate).

Three ways YOU can share in our growth:

1. SFI-powered (now featuring more than 75000 products—from over 130 countries worldwide) is one of the fastest-growing e-commerce Websites in the world. Every month, we put a whopping 40% of the Commission Volume of EVERY order—company-wide—into a pool of tens of thousands of dollars for our affiliates to share in! We call it the TripleClicks Executive Pool. Just become an ExecutiveAffiliate (EA) with 1,500 VP, and you'll immediately qualify for shares of the pool. Earn one share of the pool for each VersaPoint you score for the month!

2. Become an ExecutiveAffiliate (EA) and you'll immediately earn two Co-Sponsored Affiliates (from the "Pending" enrollments below) and then two more each month you retain your EA rank. As an affiliate's Co-Sponsor, you'll earn 15% CV commissions on all their purchases every month! But don't stop there! Every month, thousands of Co-Sponsored Affiliates are forfeited and need a NEW co-sponsor. Become a Team Leader and a share of all of these forfeited Co-Sponsored Affiliates will be automatically added to your team, with YOU as their new co-sponsor! You'll receive one share as a Bronze Team Leader, two shares as a Silver Team Leader, three shares as a Gold Team Leader, or four shares as a Platinum Team Leader. Learn more here

3. Every day, SFI's S-Builder Co-op generates HUNDREDS of new SFI Affiliates and TripleClicks members and awards them to participating affiliates. To learn how you can begin receiving a share of these valuable, business-boosting sign-ups every month, click here.

Every day SFI puts money into the pockets of millions of its affiliate worldwide. One very good thing is that you are paid in your countries own currency!

I am yet to see any global company of its kind. Indeed SFI rocks!